Manage Life Cycle Assessment Software and Databases to optimize decision-making.
Quantify the Environmental Impact of a product, process, or service throughout its life.
Stay in Accordance with the Methods and Policies defined by ISO 14040 series standards.
Interact with MIT experts, instructors, and peers in live synchronous sessions for a more comprehensive learning experience.
Networking opportunities establish professional connections with industry experts and your cohort.
Access to rich supplementary resources provides additional materials and content for a more thorough educational journey.
Define the objective and scope of a LCA.
Collect primary data from inventories and secondary data from database.
Quantify the environmental impacts of products and processes, using various impact assessment methods.
Interpret the results of an LCA through the prism of uncertainty.
Apply LCAs to product, firm, and policy decisions.
Master LCA software and databases, from installation to calculating uncertainty and everything in between.
Be guided step-by-step in carrying out a real LCA using openLCA software and authentic databases
Support decisions using LCAs and by following ISO 14040 series standards.
All the participants who successfully complete their program will receive an MIT Professional Education Certificate of Completion, as well as Continuing Education Units (CEUs)*.
To obtain CEUs, complete the accreditation confirmation, which is available at the end of the course. CEUs are calculated for each course based on the number of learning hours.
*The Continuing Education Unit (CEU) is defined as 10 contact hours of ongoing learning to indicate the amount of time they have devoted to a non-credit/non-degree professional development program.
To understand whether or not these CEUs may be applied toward professional certification, licensing requirements, or other required training or continuing education hours, please consult your training department or licensing authority directly.
Life Cycle Assessment is the central ingredient to sustainable transitions in manufacturing, cost reduction, and brand identity improvements. With future policy changes on the horizon for a more sustainable planet, this Life Cycle Assessment course paves the way for organizations to comply with the future of work and is the solution to a sustainable brand.
Consultants who must be aware of current sustainability policies and how to enact them within an organization.
Companies in industries concerned with meeting or setting carbon targets or hoping to reduce their impact on the environment.
Data scientists and engineers involved in interpreting and analyzing LCAs.
Accounting firms involved in evaluating the greenhouse gas emissions of firms.
Legislative bodies implementing policies regarding sustainable production and procurement practices.
Director, MIT System Architecture Lab
Associate Dean of Engineering, Associate Professor of the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at MIT, and Co-Director of MIT Climate and Sustainability Consortium
Didn't find what you were looking for? Schedule a call with one of our Program Advisors or call us at +1 857 7668188.
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