Forecasting Technology Innovation:

Using Data for Strategic Advantage
Inquiring For
Work Experience

Why enroll in this course?

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Boost your organization's technology portfolio through data-informed insights and decision-making.

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Acquire the skill to measure and predict technological progress using forecasting, performance metrics, and trends.

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Strategically invest in suitable technological solutions in a world characterized by endless options.

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Interact with MIT experts, instructors, and peers in live synchronous sessions for a more comprehensive learning experience.

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Networking opportunities establish professional connections with industry experts and your cohort.

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Access to rich supplementary resources provides additional materials and content for a more thorough educational journey.

 What will you learn?

What will you learn?

  • Develop and understanding of how large data sets at various levels of detail can be used to gain insights into the dynamics of technological innovation.

  • To anazlyze, anticipate and compare rates of progress.

  • Avant-garde theories of technological innovation.

  • Discover how to apply data analysis, including trends and data-driven models, to guide investment and design decisions.

  • Improve decision-making to support technological innovation when designing financial portfolios, research and development portfolios, and public policy.

All the participants who successfully complete their program will receive an MIT Professional Education Certificate of Completion, as well as Continuing Education Units (CEUs)*.

To obtain CEUs, complete the accreditation confirmation, which is available at the end of the course. CEUs are calculated for each course based on the number of learning hours.

*The Continuing Education Unit (CEU) is defined as 10 contact hours of ongoing learning to indicate the amount of time they have devoted to a non-credit/non-degree professional development program.

To understand whether or not these CEUs may be applied toward professional certification, licensing requirements, or other required training or continuing education hours, please consult your training department or licensing authority directly.

Course outline

MIT Professional Education's online course Forecasting Technology Innovation explores the data-driven process of measuring, tracking, predicting, and influencing technological innovation. Gain mastery in the skills needed to make better technology investments and design decisions to elaborate public policy, as well as financial and R&D portfolios.

Who is this online course for?

  • Professionals with an interest in innovation, determined to create an impact on their organizations' processes and drive success.

  • CEOs and other managers of companies undergoing transformation processes for which innovation is central to success.

  • Entrepreneurs of tech start-ups with innovative aspirations.

  • Technical experts with a strong interest in technology and innovation, and in leadership positions.


MPE - Faculty - Jessika Trancik
Prof. Jessika Trancik

Professor, Institute for Data, Systems, and Society, MIT

Course overview

    I absolutely loved this course on technological innovation and forecasting! It has been an incredibly enriching experience, both personally and professionally. The course content was not only comprehe...
    Aldo Segnini
    Founder / Chief Executive & Strategy Officer,
    Tailor Strategy
    This course has been an excellent experience: it provides a clear vision of data prediction and its immense range of possibilities. Our instructor was exceptional, demonstrating great competence and d...
    Luis Urbina
    Head of Development, Automation, and IT Processes,
    Bagó Laboratories

    Didn't find what you were looking for? Schedule a call with one of our Program Advisors or call us at +1 857 7668188.

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